Raquel Michelon

Raquel Michelon

Web Developer | Java | Spring | Vue.js

About Me

As a web developer, I am passionate about building modern and intuitive web applications using Java and VueJS. I am currently working on an exciting project where I am contributing to the development of the most trusted essential oil resource center. Additionally, I am an IoT volunteer researcher and was part of an awarded project that received first place in the "Exact and Earth Sciences" category in 2022. My experience in backend web development using Spring and Javalin frameworks has provided me with a solid foundation to highlight in my role. However, my interest in web front-end technologies has sparked my curiosity and enthusiasm to build modern and responsive websites. In my free time, I also like to share my knowledge and insights on IT by writing articles on Medium. I believe that sharing knowledge is essential in the IT industry as it allows for personal and professional growth.


  • Java
  • VueJs
  • SQL
  • GIT, Github and Gitlab
  • Python (Pandas, Numpy)
  • Languages: Portuguese - native | English - intermediate | Spanish - intermediate

Professional Experience

  • Web Delevoper

    AtmanTechnology OÜ - Dropsmart, Estonia

    Jul. 2022 - Present


    Creating the Dropsmart App (V2);

    Documenting Dropsmart App main features and technologies;

    Developed the premium user, perks and friend referrals pages using VueJS;

    Created the automatized feature to send invoices/reports by email using Java and Quartz Scheduler;

    Fixed back-end processes bugs;

    Writed all the development environment setup documentation (back-end and front-end);

  • IoT Researcher

    Anti-theft system for power cables using IoT, Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil

    Aug. 2021 - Present


    Collaboration in the "Anti-theft system for power cables using IoT" project with the team working remotely to mitigate the problem of power cable theft;

    Collecting and analyzing data about the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 from international scientific repositories;

    Creation of research report and software documentation;

    Development of database modeling and creation (PostgreSQL) and Spring REST WEB Service (in progress). Results: With the definition of a scalable architecture that I have proposed, the academic prototype can be extended to a commercial solution.

  • Volunteer of Education and Teacher

    Different Institutions, Florianópolis - SC, Brazil

    Aug. 2011 - Jul. 2021


    Mentoring interdisciplinary projects in diverse teams;

    Communication of complex concepts to diverse audiences.


  • Analysis and Software Development Technician Nov. 2020 - Mar. 2022

    Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil

  • MSc in Professional and Technological Education Aug. 2017 - Aug. 2020

    Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Santa Catarina (IFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil

  • Portuguese Modern Language Degree Aug. 2008 - Dez. 2012 (Bachelor)/Dez 2013 (Teacher License)

    Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil


  • Study Plan Generator | Java | SpringBoot | OpenAI API | Vue.js

    UI and API to create a personalized study plan using the OpenAI API to generate it. study plan screenshot
  • Power Cable Anti-theft System | Java | SpringBoot | PostgreSQL | IoT | Flutter

    Project being developed using IoT and Web Services technologies
  • Home | JS | CSS | HTML | MySQL | PHP

    Final Project at Analysis and Software Development Course - IFSC
  • Sales System | Java

    Project developed for practice OOP principles with Java


  • Data Science Prep Course | Mar. 2022 - Jul. 2022
  • Introduction to Programming with Javascript, Kenzie Academy Brazil | 2020
  • Sites Development (HTML5, CSS, JS, WordPress), IFSC, São Lourenço do Oeste - SC, Brazil | 2020
  • Speak Now English Academy | Expected graduation: Mar. 2023


  • Scientific Merit to the Anti-Theft System project | 2022